Saturday, 14 February 2015

Jamie Oliver's Overnight Roasted Pork Shoulder - with Henney's Vintage

It was great to see Jamie Oliver using a bottle of Henney's on his latest show a couple of weeks ago - he cooked an overnight roasted shoulder of pork with a fair few glugs of cider, and we thought we'd have a go at recreating it at home.

If you fancy having a go, the recipe is on Jamie's website here:

We downsized on the pork somewhat (there's only two of us at home so a 5kg joint seemed a bit greedy) and roasted our more moderately sized joint for about six hours. We also swapped the Henney's Dry in the recipe for a bottle of Henney's Vintage (not sure what Mike's thinking was there - fuller flavour? Or maybe he just happened to have Vintage to hand) but otherwise we followed the recipe to a T and it was simple, tasty and worked a treat.

Definitely worth a try - and far, far easier than the last "celebrity chef uses Henney's cider" recipe we had a go at - Tom Kerridge's Hay Baked Chicken. Took us about a month to get rid of all that bloody hay....


  1. Are you able to tell me which program this was featured in, I saw it and thought it looked divine, as did the accompaniments Jamie served it with, I am now the proud owner of a very large pork shoulder and no recipe, can anyone help please??

    1. Oh and I should add the above link is no longer valid :(
